Should you decide to financially support the further renovation of the Prague Crossroads, please fill in the attached form and send it to us. On the basis of the details supplied we will draw up a donor agreement, which we will send for signature to the address you supply in the form.


You can also send your financial gifts directly to the Prague Crossroad’s account No. 2102134244/2700 (UniCredit Bank Czech Republic, a.s.). If you choose this option,  please inform us about you gift at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . This email address is protected against spambots. To see it, JavaScript must be enabled, or you may call 00 420 234 097 811. This is essential in order for us to prepare a donor agreement and subsequently acknowledge your gift in our annual report or on our website.



Forms for Prague Crossroads donors


  1. Private donors 
  2. Corporate bodies 

Details of the company

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